High-D on julkaissut uuden EP Tango Ricardo (My Ricardo) Dee Records 2023.
Löydät Tango Ricardo (My Ricardo) kappaleen kaikilta digitaalisilta alustoilta (mm. Spotify).
Arto Pöllänen ja Helene Mantere
Heidi M. Mantere// Youtube
1. Tango Ricardo (suomeksi)
2. My Ricardo (englanniksi)
säv. Heikki Uusitalo
san. Pekka Saukkonen (Tango Ricardo)
lyrics Heidi Marjaana Mantere (My Ricardo)
sov. P. Saukkonen, Heidi M. Mantere
Finnradio FM online radio 19.9.2023 High-D Special -ohjelman klo 12.00.
Finnradio FM Päätoimittaja Marcos Kuusjärvi kertoo sosiaalisessa mediassa:
”High-D on upottanut meidät monenlaisen musiikin pariin sekä suomeksi että englanniksi. Uusimmassa (singlessä) on vahvaa Tangon taikaa. (Kuullaan)
High-D tuore haastattelu, sekä (lisää) hänen musiikillisesta monipuolisuudestaan.”
High-D YouTube zoom -haastattelun kuulet ja näet TÄÄLTÄ

Muse Boat Live Channel
* Bond on Broadway *
Those violins! That voice! Our Heidi!
Love those little picked notes on the violin
Pizzicato is FANTASTIC hook in the song Heidi! Love it!
Next Bond movie should be Ricardo 007
Heidi is on fire as usual
My Ricarrrrrrrrdo!!!
This is killer Heidi, great vocal control!!!! Sounds great!!!
Classical voice (three thumbs up)
Fantastic violin and voice lady (heart)
Go Heidi!!! Another fantastic song from you
Great voice!
Very well-crafted mix of jazz and tango
Sounds great High D, as always.
TOP10talent chat
It doesn’t matter if you understand Finnish or not to appreciate this top quality song.
This is so incredibly dramatic and sexy! I don’t know the language, but this seriously has me feeling like I should be wearing a red dress with a rose in my mouth prancing my way down to hall to my husband right now HAHA! LOVE THIS incredible voice and music. beautiful job!!!
I’m glad you’re back on here, your music is so unique and impressive, it’s avant grade, it’s clever and it’s entertaining!!!
Love to hear it in Finnish
Your playing is super!
007 vibes!
Sounds like a suspense scene between to enemies dancing in a ball!!! Love the sonority with the violin and the emotions in your great voice!