HIGH-D // The 80’s Song Review from David Bentley

High-D new release The 80’s Song got another review

Nordic Music Central // David Bentley Shaw & Crompton, Greater Manchester, UK
Air Transport Economist/ Analyst. Contemporary Music reviewer specializing in the Nordic countries

”I was attracted to this particular song of hers ’The 80’s Song’ her latest and released on New Year’s Day… More importantly, Heidi evidently believes in the music of that era and that shines out throughout this song.”

Thank You David Bentley!

You may read the whole review


HIGH-D // The 80’s Song Music Pekka Saukkonen, lyrics Heidi Marjaana Mantere, Pic Helene Mantere, pic design P. Saukkonen

High-D Suomen epävirallinen TOP40 ja TOP50

Suomen epävirallinen TOP40 ja TOP50 on nyt julkaistu!

Kiitos X-Youth Gone Wild tiimi ja kaikki kuuntelijat!

Upeata olla neljässä eri produktiossa mukana, jotka ovat listalla.

Suosituin ja eniten streamattu on yhä

High-D // Lemon (100 476)


High-D // Lemon Video (18553)


High-D // Lemon #24 TOP40

Muut listalla

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Tango Ricardo video (3390) My Ricardo video (8181) on Youtube

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(7471) on Youtube

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(43551) on Spotify
(8656) on Youtube


HIGH-D juhlistaa tuottoisan vuoden 2023 jälkimainingeissa Uutta Vuotta 2024 retroriemukkaalla kappaleella The 80´s Song.
Kappaleen soi nyt kaikissa suoratoistopalveluissa (julkaistu 1.1.2024).

Recording Artists Guild Digital Magazine (Las Vegas) @ragworld (Instagram)
High-D // The 80’s Song
Review January 1, 2024

Connolly’s Corner writes (short cut):
”A brand-new single from High-D brings out a colorful and crisp vintage pop soundscape that comes through lush with gorgeous instrumentation and features all the sweet spots that you could expect from a classic pop tonality from decades passed…
One of my favourite things about this artist in general is that no matter what song you’re listening to from her, you can tell that it’s done out of a pure passion for doing it…
This is one of those artists than I immediately wanted to follow her timeline of evolution so that I can hear how she evolved as a person and as a songwriter over the past few years and you can really hear that when you listen to her full catalog…
This is definitely for fans of ´80s pop songs and if you are one of those people, then definitely check this out…
For me it not only made my whole day but it was one of the best ways to start this new year.”

THANK YOU Conolly! You took my breath away for a moment!

Read the whole review


HIGH-D // The 80´s Song
NEW release January 1, 2024


HIGH-D // The 80’s Song Music Pekka Saukkonen, lyrics Heidi Marjaana Mantere, Pic Helene Mantere, pic design P. Saukkonen


Online radio Finnradio FM KUNNIAKIRJAT

ISO kiitos äänestäjät ja yhteistyökumppanit!

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High-D // Pienin siivin leijutaan vuoden 2023 POP KAPPALE #1

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High-D (Spotify) Heidi M Mantere (Youtube)
@high.d.official (IG fb)
@HeidiMMantere (X)

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Miksaus ja masterointi Pekka Saukkonen

Kiitos ennakkosoitosta FinnradioFM

Kiitos Pertsa!

Kiitos Pertti Huhtilainen 24 vuoden yhteistyöstä!

”…kun katson taaksepäin, on ollut hyvä näin… En kadu mitään!”
(Paula Koivuniemi, Yöperhonen 2008)

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Jouluna 2022 Ravintola Uunisaaressa
14.3.2020 viimeinen esiintyminen ennen COVID-19 pandemiaa, ravintola Uunisaari

Muistokirjoitus HS 19.11.2023

HIGH-D & Planet ERGH are on Museboat Musies Awards


High-D// The Ultimate Game on Museboat Musies Awards 2023


Music, Music Producer Pekka Saukkonen
Lyrics Ari Murto
Arrangement, vocals, violin, solos, Producer Heidi Marjaana Mantere

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High-D// The Ultimate Game on Museboat Muses Awards 2023
High-D// The Ultimate Game
High-D// The Ultimate Game
High-D// The Ultimate Game
High-D// The Ultimate Game
HIGH-D and Planet ERGH are on MUSEBOAT Musies Awards

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Planet ERGH // My way home (Planet ERGH) #18

Music Erkki Vuokila
Music, music producer R.G. Williamson Music
Music, lyrics Heidi Marjaana Mantere
Planet ERGH// My way home
Master Pekka Saukkonen
Video Arto Pöllänen

Planet ERGH// My way home
Planet ERGH// My way home
Planet ERGH// My way home

UUTISIA High-D ja Planet ERGH


Lokakuu – October 2023

High-D// Tango Ricardo (My Ricardo) äänestettiin Finnradio FM TOP20 listalla kuudennella viikollaan ”Hittien taivaaseen” 8.11.2023!

KIITOS kaikille äänensä tälle kappaleelle antaneelle!

Finnradio FM TOP20

High-D// Tango Ricardo nousi toisella listaviikollaan Finnradio FM TOP20 #1

Arto Pöllänen
Helene Mantere



Tango Ricardo (My Ricardo) EP Dee Records 2023, pic Helene Mantere, design Pekka Saukkonen
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High-D Museboat Live Channel again from October 15, 2023
High-D Museboat Live Channel
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